Ok, so I should have paid more attention to the number of pages in this book before I bought it. It’s just wee. Less than 130 pages.
Now, as far as the content goes, Ed himself puts it best when he explains:
“This is a simple book. There are plenty of fine books available about the more technical aspects of a life aboard.”
Much like Live On The Margin, this book was about the actions and decision to get you to a place where you can live on a boat, as opposed to the act of live-aboard itself. As a matter of fact, a good way into my reading, I realized I didn’t even know what kind of boat he owned, and checked back a few chapters to see if I was reading when tired and forgot something.
Eventually he get to the part when he describes looking for an buying an old trawler…DOH! Not even a sailboat…Don’t get me wrong. I grew up as a power boat guy. I’m just trying to make a transition to the sailboat world, and not have a…relapse, so to speak.
It’s a bit repetitive, but that may serve to show just how simple his plan was to get where he is now, and very happy. It’s just the choice to do so that is the hard part.
Step 1 – Stop Buying Stuff
Step 2 – Pay off all your debt
Step 3 – Save money
Step 4 – Get rid of your stuff
That’s it. That’s the whole book in a nut shell. A very similar philosophy that we had started to follow before the boating bug got us, via The Idiot Millionaire, which I was constantly reminded of while reading Live On The Margin as well.
To be fair, Ed’s book is more entertaining than either of these other sources, and he comes off as enthusiastic and genuine about what he is saying. At the moment there are 274 reviews on Amazon for the book which only came out in 2013, and he’s at 4/5 stars, so someone appreciates what he did here.
I’ll be interested to see what Christa thinks.
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