Sailing The Farm

2030266[1]The other day we started looking for items about food and drink on board, and that turned into a whole lot of rabbit-holes about surviving on board in general, and we ended up finding this little nugget. You never know what you’re going to come across online, while looking for something else. It’s a book called Sailing The Farm: A Survival Guide to Homesteading on the Ocean. It has been out of print for quite some time, but it has made a comeback in recent years due to it’s spread through the net via .pdf copies. The copy we have linked here is approx 9.72MB. It’s a description of homesteading on a boat, or “seasteading” in other words. We had never heard of this, but there are a few sites online that cover the topic. From what we can gather, back in the 70s when there was a move to get back to the land, focus on nature, etc. and there was a similar movement that started in the maritime community as well, and it seems that this book has sprung from this. Finances, tools, farming, it’s all there. Just the right stuff for today’s liveaboards? Although quite dated now, there is still a great deal of useful information in there. It’s also available as an Amazon used book, but the prices seem quite high.

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