All the planning and reading we have been doing is obviously necessary, but at some point we actually will need to spend some real time on a boat…together.
While we feel that we get along better than the average couple, other’s experience has shown that placing a couple in the tight confines of a boat will serve to amplify every little dislike and criticism exponentially compared to what may happen on land.
So we need to get from the place where we currently are, namely “we don’t know what we don’t know” to one that we could call “we know what we don’t know” in matters not only pertaining to boating in general, but what our interaction on a boat is likely to be.
To try and achieve this with as little pressure as possible, while at the same time learning as we go, we booked a 5 day Royal Yachting Association (RYA) accredited Competent Crew Course in Malta for the end of June. We’ll be on board for 5 days and still have a few days to look around the island.
Also, it seems to have served to motivate Christa a bit, as she finally signed up to do her online Pleasure Craft Operators Course (PCOC).
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