For our first leg of our journey, we’re only travelling from Denver to Miami due to the limited flights via San Juan, Puerto Rico to BVI. We like to stay in Denver overnight prior to flying to take advantage of free parking at the Marriott hotel, and to be sure we don’t get held up in traffic en route from Colorado Springs. If anyone has travelled the I-25 in this part of the country they know what I mean!
In the morning, we enjoyed a nice chat with Delta airlines crew in the shuttle en route to the airport, and tried to suppress a giggle when the youngest crew member had no idea where BVI is located. In fairness, he had only been flying for a few months. We arrived at the airport more than 2 hours early for our flight and I was surprised to have the American Airline staff actually thank me for showing up early as I checked my bag. It came in at exactly 50lbs, so we had a sigh of relief. John kept his new duffel bag with him as a hedge against my bag getting lost going through San Juan, and to see if the bag was good enough for 10+ days of clothes and gear.
It took no time to get through security (another pleasant surprise) so we had lots of time to relax and browse the shops at DEN/DIA while we waited. Finally we were on the plane and ready to start our adventure. I’m happy to report the flight was not the least bit eventful!
After very long wait for luggage and a short shuttle ride to Marriott Airport Miami hotel, we were more than ready for a nice meal…and of course a beer! Cheers!
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