Much has been written on other sailing blogs, and those associated with “smaller” living, about getting rid of your unnecessary stuff. Included in this is to first stop buying more unnecessary stuff that you also later have to get rid of.
With the aim of living on a sailboat long-term, we can easily find two obvious benefits/requirements related to this act.
First, you will have a finite and, depending on your means, a very small space in which you will be choosing to place yourself for extended periods.
Second, and linked to the first, getting rid of stuff (or more to the point selling your items) will generate a modest amount of funds towards acquiring a boat that may have a bit more space and necessitate giving away or selling less of your stuff.
How’s that for a circular argument?
When we learned we were moving to Colorado Springs, we chose this as an opportunity to retrieve our long-term storage and start the process of going through what really wasn’t required and divest ourselves from it, by either selling or giving it away. This also allowed us an interesting/convenient perspective when we unpacked something that we totally forgot we had. In this case we obviously didn’t need it in the first place.
It would be MUCH easier to just pack it all up and take it to the landfill or a Goodwill and be done with it, but we like to tell ourselves it is likely worth a fair bit of money to others (note the projection technique from ourselves) and so we’re trying to sell a good portion of it.
We now have an eBay Store , an Amazon Seller’s Page and a number of items on Craigslist so PLEASE BUY OUR STUFF!
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