In an attempt to class up the house a bit…and we need lots of help in that department, we wanted to get a painting or print to put on the wall to fill up an empty space in our living room.
Here in Southern Italy, we’re a long way from where we both grew up, (yes it’s rough) and we wanted something to remind us of The Maritimes, and obviously have a nautical theme. John’s very talented cousin Marc Little did us a big favour and made a hand-painted copy of an existing painting that he had in his studio that we liked.
This is the painting that we just had mounted. The iPhone photo does not do it justice. When the sunlight hits it, the colours in the sky really comes alive. A very distinctive and haunting image to be sure. Something to help us daydream until we’re able to get sailing again.
I also tend to collect prints or paintings that represent places that we have lived, and this one is our favorite so far.
Now if we can just afford a boat big enough to take it with us…
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