We have been slowly switching all our reading over to something related to cruising and/or sailing. We’ve been getting our selections mainly from other sailing/cruising blogs and the recommendations that pop up once Amazon starts to track your past selections.
I have always suffered from a tendency to buy 3 books and read 1, buy 3 read 1, and repeat…so we have a fairly large collection of books for two people that aren’t really book worms, with maybe only half of them actually having been read.
Since we’re out of the country for a couple of years, at least I have an excuse to continue my (semi) bulk book purchasing, as the mail system is not very fast getting here, so grabbing more than 1 at a time makes sense, or so I try to justify to Christa.
I just finished reading The Essentials Of Living Aboard A Boat by Mark Nicholas. I read a few comments about it on various forums, there are links to it in a few places online that we lurk in, so it became one of the first books that we bought.
It is more geared towards the act of living on a boat more so than cruising on a boat. Lots of information though and an entertaining read. I got through this very quickly, it covered a lot of topics, and it made me hungry for more information.
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