Visit to Spanish Wells

We recently anchored near Spanish Wells and dingied into town to stock up on a few fresh veggies at a large supermarket. Their dingy dock also sells gas so we took along a couple jerry cans to fill.


As we strolled along the main street we decided to stop for lunch at a nice local restaurant that offered a great selection of typical fare along with local seafood specials. I decided on grouper fingers with a side of fried plantains, and John had a chicken wrap. Everyone took advantage of the free WiFi to check their phones.


After lunch we hurried off to the grocery store since we found out it was closing at 1pm for the day! It was about a mile walk from the dingy dock area. They guys took a different route to stop at a popular hardware store. Along our way, the 3 of us ladies were trying to capture some of the local colour as we hurried to beat the clock.

With the hot noon sun, we were happy when a kind gentleman offered us a ride in his golf cart…the primary vehicle on the island. The grocery store was well-stocked since the mail boat had arrived the day before and we had a nice selection of fresh veggies. We filled our carts and by the time we got to the checkout, the guys arrived. The hardware store had been closed. Lucky for us, they showed up at just the right time to help carry groceries! I checked out the bakery across the street and couldn’t resist buying a fresh baked loaf of bread – yum, what a treat!

We didn’t get far when another kind stranger offered a ride so we didn’t have to walk in the heat with our bags. Not all of us fit in his golf cart so our groceries got a nice ride back to the dingy dock. We had a chance to stop along route at the small department store where they sold everything from kitchenware to shoes.


You never know what you’ll see walking through a small island town. We saw this guy fixing a plane in the middle of a residential area, parked next to a liquor store that delivers. We watched this barge contraption get loaded right next to the dock where we filled our dinghies with gas. It looked like the men were either Amish or Mennonite based on how they were dressed.

It was such a warm day, we were happy to arrive at the dingy dock and head back out the harbour entrance so we could get back to our boats. It’s so much cooler on the water with the sea breeze.


Checking out Moore's Island Bahamas
When its "cold" outside

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